During the summer season many of us enjoy a music concert in North Wales or a festival with friends, but why do we sometimes come away with ringing in the ears?
This is a form of tinnitus, caused by loud noise that can be uncomfortable. The joy of listening to loud music can often be met with this unwelcome side effect. In this blog, we’ll take a look at why this happens and what you can do to protect your ears in future events.
The sound is likely to be a form of tinnitus, a perception of noise or ringing in the ears which can sound like buzzing, or whistling. Exposure to loud sounds can have a negative impact on the inner ear which can result in this ringing sound. The sensation and sounds can come and go or be there constantly and can vary in volume but is often present after a loud music concert.
Tinnitus can have a huge impact on your everyday life and is becoming more common by the day. If you’re tired or stressed, tinnitus symptoms can become worse and harder to control. The sound can get louder and the frequency can change.
Concerts often exceed the safe listening levels of 85 decibels and prolonged exposure could increase the risk of long term tinnitus. Standing close to the speakers could also increase this risk of ear damage.
The ringing you get in your ears after a concert is likely to be short lived, but it can still be uncomfortable and annoying. The first step is to give your ears a break from the noise. Surround yourself in peace and quiet and avoid listening to loud music again for a while so that your ears can recover.
Relaxation techniques can also help.Take part in relaxing activities such a yoga, walking or mindfulness. Your tinnitus will be less noticeable when you are not stressed. Drink plenty of water, stay hydrated and eat nutritious food.
Neglecting your ear protection could have negative effects on your overall ear health. If you’re frequently exposed to loud noise, the consequences could have long term effects and could cause hearing damage. Ensure that you’re equipped with the right hearing protection in all aspects of your life and make sure you wear it. Avoid further damage to the ears by not using headphones or earphones at loud volume.
The ringing after a concert should go after a short time and is hopefully only a short term, minor issue. If your ringing persists or becomes worse then visit a medical professional such as an audiologist to get them checked.
If you have concerns or questions about ringing in the ears or would like your ears checked by a professional, then please get in touch. At Colwyn Bay Hearing we’re able to provide a full hearing and ear health check and tinnitus management techniques.
Contact us today to book your hearing check www.colwynbayhearing.co.uk/contact-us/
Colwyn Bay Hearing Practice has clinics across North Wales in Mold, Colwyn Bay and Anglesey.
The post Why You Get Ringing In Your Ears After A Concert appeared first on The Colwyn Bay Hearing Practice.
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